SolarEdge Home DC Combiner Box
DC combiner box for paralleling SolarEdge Home Battery and Optimiser strings together at the inverter, includes fusing.
- Required to connect 1, 2 or 3 Home Batteries to Genesis Inverters
- Required to connect 3 Home Batteries to Home Hub Inverters
- Item ID: 2223
Supports connection of up to 3x SolarEdge Home BatteriesAdditional features
- Complies with Australian installation standards including AS/NZS 5033, AS/NZS 4777.1, and AS/ NZS 5139
- Supports SolarEdge Home Battery and LG RESU Prime batteries with backup* application
- Provides simplified and flexible installation process
- Eases maintenance with field-replaceable fuses
- Avoids the need to install additional isolator at the inverter side
- Requires installation of SolarEdge Home Backup Interface, which is purchased separately