Tigo cloud connect advanced kit (CCA) - Includes 1 x TAP
CCA Kit, TAP, Outdoor, Din rail PS
Everything you need to communicate with Tigo TS4 range of MLPE devices
For outdoor use
Tigo's Cloud Connect Advanced (CCA) Kit includes everything you need to communicate with the range of Tigo TS4 MLPE devices for a standard domestic installation.
The Outdoor Kit includes a CCA, a Gateway, DIN rail mounted power supply and an IP65-rated outdoor enclosure.
Once installed this will allow you to see module-level monitoring data through the Tigo cloud.
Essentially, the CCA is wired to the AC power and connects to the internet router via Wifi or direct connection with a data cable.
The TAP is installed on the roof in the middle of the solar array and is wired to the CCA via a Cat5/RS-485 cable. The Cat5/RS-485 cable should be installed in a method that is outdoor rated, and UV resistant to prevent any weather damage. The TAP communicates wirelessly with each Tigo Optimiser and you commission the system using the Tigo SMART app.
If the solar array is very large, or split over multiple roof faces or there are physical barriers between the solar modules, you may require additional TAPs. When you use additional TAPs they are wired one to another using the Cat5/RS-485 cable. Most small residential systems use only one TAP if all the solar modules are together on the roof.
Each TAP supports up to 300 Optimisers within 35 meters with no physical barriers.
Each CCA supports up to 7 TAPs with maximum 900 Optimisers per CCA.
If you are installing more than 900 Optimisers, you can simply add more CCA's.
Kit includes:
- outdoor enclosure
- Cloud Connect Advanced (CCA)
- DIN Rail power supply

DIN rail power supply:
- Not outdoor rated, install in enclosure
- Input: 100-240VAC - 50/60Hz 0.88A
- Output: 24VDC @ 1A