What's different about REC Alpha Pure Solar Modules?

18 March 2022 by
What's different about REC Alpha Pure Solar Modules?
AC Solar Warehouse Pty Ltd, Rob Birchall

There is significant excitement about REC Alpha Pure Solar Modules in Australia and New Zealand.  So, what makes these solar modules better than traditional solar modules?

Manufactured in Singapore and head quartered in Norway

Leading solar cell technology – Heterojunction (HJT) cell technology

The REC Alpha Pure solar module is based on HJT cell technology.  This combines the best qualities of crystalline silicon with those from amorphous silicon thin-film to produce a high-power hybrid cell that surpasses the performance of the solar industry’s go-to technology, PERC.

The HJT cell technology provides:

  • higher power output than traditional solar modules providing greater savings
  • higher power density (watts/m2) meaning more generation for the same roof area
  • Very low temperature coefficient so as the solar module temperature rises the reduction in power output is less than traditional solar modules
  • No Light Induced Degradation (LID) so there is no power loss compared to traditional solar modules which can be from 1 to 3% loss.
  • Flexible cells means they are more durable than PERC cells

Advanced cell connection technology – large number of thin busbars

  • Increased number of wires greatly improves flow of current compared to traditional solar modules
  • Stylish looks thanks to thin, barely-visible wires and uniformly black-coloured cells
  • Solder-free cells removes risk of cell damage or micro-cracks for long-lasting high performance
  • Gapless cell layout uses the entire module surface to generate power

Improved performance when shaded – twin panel design

The solar module is split into two identical sections (twins) reducing internal resistance for more power and increased reliability.  It also allows improved energy production in shaded locations compared to standard module designs resulting in higher energy yields.

Super-strong frame – better durability

Additional two support bars across the mid section of the solar module to protect the glass and cell from bending under load.

Premium solar module warranty – 25 year product, performance and labour warranty

  • 25 year product warranty when installed by a REC Certified Solar Professional installer
  • 25 year performance warranty: ensures modules perform exactly as they’re expected to – every year for 25 years
  • 25 year labor warranty when installed by a REC Certified Solar Professional installer
  • At least 92% of nameplate power in year 25; an industry best

Leading environmental choice – Lead free

Want to offer your customers REC Alpha Pure solar modules? Contact us today!